Monday, February 7, 2011

Did you know that there are different roof sizes and different roof types for different areas in the country? Such as in New York they would have big tall peaked roofs so that the snow will slide down the roof and not just pile up on the roof and cave in. but in Florida we have low peaked houses because it doesn’t snow down here. Some other cool things are windows. You have just regular windows that go up and down. Then you have double hung windows that basically do the same but the top half folds out or in to make it more ventilated in your house. That also makes it easier to clean because you normally would be walking back and forth to clean the inside and outside. Another cool thing about those windows is when it’s raining you can crack open the top so you can keep air flow and stop rain from going in your house. That also has to do with the size of your roof overhang. If you’re over hang is small your house will get hot. But if it is long it keeps your house cooler on a hot day. That also helps with the window because if you have a short over hang then no matter what kind of window you have then water will still get in because the overhang will help block the water from getting in your house. If you want to learn more keep following me I have a lot more cool stuff to talk to you about.

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