Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hot and Cold

            What would be a more comfortable climate to build a house and live? Hot or cold weather. To build in hot climate you would want to put lighter color paint on your house, good insulation and tight construction. You also would want to make the overhang of your roof to hang lower so that way it keeps direct sunlight out of your house. Your also would want to place windows on the north and east sides of your house and carefully place shade trees. It’s also good to use deep porches for window shading. You should also place convection holes at the top of your house to let heat air escape. It would also be helpful to build near a large body of water to allow a cool breeze to hit your house.  

            See full size image

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I will be interviewing Robert Woods (dad) who used to work for some construction companies. I will be asking him a lot of educated questions to find out what the pros and cons of being architecture are.

1: Q: To start off what made you want to get into building.

- I truly love to design it has been my dream since I was little.

2. Q: To you what is the most important step to build a house?

- the main thing to me is to make sure that the costomers needs are mmet.

3. Q: What kind of wood do you prefer when building your support beams.

- that all depends on the climate and the kind of area.

4. Q: What was the most expensive house you have ever built?

- I built a house that if it were to be sold on the market today it would be worth 1.5 million.

5. Q: What was the coolest house you have ever built?

- that was also the same house that is worth 1.5 million.

6. Q: What was the hardest house you have ever had to build?

- same.

7. Q: How do you do tile work?

- you have to find the dead center of the room and then go out from there.

8. Q: Is work on tile similar to work on a wood floor?

- no they are two totally different thing types of flooring.

9. Q: How do you put a 2nd floor on a house?

- first you have to desihn the bottom floor plan first then once you have that you put in your low barring walls then you expand the joist throughout the house.

10. Q: Are you glad you got into this perfusion?
- yes I love the fact that I can do work and I don’t need to have somone to teach me I can just do it myself.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Dream House

My dream house will be on 5 acres. It will be a two story house with 2 four-wheeler tracks in the back. I will have a pool with a screen over it so that way I don’t have to clean it all the time. I will have orange, pink, blue, and red flowers along my walk way. On my land I will have a huge garage that will fit all my luxury cars, my camper, and all my four-wheeler. I will have a brick path with a fire pit on the way to the garage. My house will have a bathroom out by the pool. And three more inside the house. It will have four bedrooms, two living rooms, and a kitchen and dining room. And a 3 car garage will be attached to the house. Right above the garage there will be a game room with some pin ball machines, a pool table, and an air hockey table up there. The outside of the house will be yellow with green shutters. The drive way will be all rock with rail road ties along the who thing. There will also be a hammock.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

These are just some of the basic steps to build a house here they are from 1 to 33. Step 1: select a location for your house. Step 2: pick a property that will buy and build on. Step 3: design your home using architects. Step 4: Have the house surveyed and the footprint of the house located. Step 5: acquire permits for construction. Step 6: decide house much work you will actually do yourself. Step 7: set up building lines. Step 8: install your flooring that you picked. Step 9: frame your walls to your house. Step 10: plumb the walls and brace them for security. Step 11: mark where your roof truss will go. Step 12: finish out the roof. Step 13: install the indoor and out door wall and put in the doors and windows. Step 14: put in the electrical. Step 15: install vents and piping. Step 16: install air conditioning and heat. Step 17: put insulation in. step 18: put in your ceiling. Step 19: put in all your tubs and sinks into your house. Step 20: put in all your base board and trim around your interior walls. Step 21: paint and calk your entire wall. Step 22: install all of your lighting. Step 23: install all your cabinets and other mill work. Step 24: put in flooring. Step 25: install all your appliances such as dish washer, oven and washer/dryer. And finally step 26: decorate your new house.

Image:House in Vancouver.jpg

Monday, February 7, 2011

Did you know that there are different roof sizes and different roof types for different areas in the country? Such as in New York they would have big tall peaked roofs so that the snow will slide down the roof and not just pile up on the roof and cave in. but in Florida we have low peaked houses because it doesn’t snow down here. Some other cool things are windows. You have just regular windows that go up and down. Then you have double hung windows that basically do the same but the top half folds out or in to make it more ventilated in your house. That also makes it easier to clean because you normally would be walking back and forth to clean the inside and outside. Another cool thing about those windows is when it’s raining you can crack open the top so you can keep air flow and stop rain from going in your house. That also has to do with the size of your roof overhang. If you’re over hang is small your house will get hot. But if it is long it keeps your house cooler on a hot day. That also helps with the window because if you have a short over hang then no matter what kind of window you have then water will still get in because the overhang will help block the water from getting in your house. If you want to learn more keep following me I have a lot more cool stuff to talk to you about.

See full size image

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome to my blog. I’m blogging about architecture.  There are numerous things I want to explore about my topic. I want to see why it takes so long to build a house, what kind of permits do you need to have, and how many inspections does a house need. Also some building secrets. Such as secret rooms. All the things I will explore are things that you will learn. I picked this topic because I want to be an architect when I grow up. Ever since I was young I wanted to build because I was always good with my hands. Then about four or five years ago I went to my grandparent’s friend’s house for the 4th of July. He is an architect. His house was beautiful. It was on 10 acres. It was a two story house with a movie theater, and a game room, and even a secret room behind the game room. This is what locked me in on what I want to do. My blog is for anyone who has an interest in building or managing a construction company. I don’t just want to be an architect I want to manage my own construction company. I promise you will learn a lot if you follow me because it’s my interest and it can be yours to I have also had some building experiences. I have already designed my own cottage and I have put a roof on a house. The roof was hard. We had to re-plywood the whole roof. Then put this plastic stuff down. Then get it inspected. Then put more on then get it inspected. The shingle it and get it inspected again. That is the reason I want to learn about all the inspecting. Because if you build a whole house that has to be a little time consuming. So follow me on my blog. You will learn a lot.
                                                     Thank you